Hey. Hi. 嘿。

Hey, my name is Benjamin Wittorf – call me Ben. I am an author and artist and implement interdisciplinary projects. Currently, I mainly engage in evolutionary research and corresponding development approaches for humanity; with hypermodernity and metamodern societal models.

In the process, I always enjoy learning interesting things and above all, meeting new people. So let me hear from you! Send me an email or drop by on Discord.


Please note: these are in German.

With my ÜBERSCHRIFTEN, my intention is nothing less than to get you to think about yourself. They are designed to invite you to take a break: An opportunity to pause and reflect, which helps you to see your environment and yourself with new eyes and gain a new perspective.

My personal blog is Hypercube/One – with content since October 1998. Over time, my personal context has evolved towards evolution. The description sounds more exotic than it probably is: I explore various perspectives, and topics include local and global issues, psychology, technology consequences, and something to do with arrows of time. As it were, parallel worlds.

I maintain the official German-language version of John Boyd’s OODA loop strategy. The OODA loop is the cycle of Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. The approach explains how agility can overcome raw power.